Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wolves don't like Gingers.

So I have not even remotely kept up with my goals regarding the amount that I wanted to put up new posts. Way to go. Goal #1 is a FAIL.

Anyway, my time here at the Advocate has been all over the place. I have survived thus far, I don't think that wolves like ginger hair.

It is pretty cool that they have a bunch of camera stuff that I can use including a 7D, but that is still something that I am itching to use.

My first day I basically hung out with one of the staff photogs, Jeff Stokoe. He is a super nice guy, and for some reason he enjoys running super marathons. 100 miles at once is beyond anything that I can imagine. I have a hard time driving that distance let alone running it. I went to his house for lunch, sitting down at the kitchen table, I look left and immediately become awkward. Clean house, clean kitchen, chair ten feet away, adorning a pink bra. I am not sure if it was his wife's or his daughters, but either way it was still there. It was hard not to notice everything had it's own place and then there is said bra, just hanging out.

I had a picture published the first day, an elementary school ski loppett. It was great, photographing kids trying to cross country ski, some in jeans and goggles, others, unzipped jackets and one mitt. When one would crash said crash victim was like a magnet for every other in that general area. Doggy piles all over the place, ski poles strewn every which way, it was as if they had rehearsed this a hundred times as not one ended up in tears, except for me. But luckily I was behind my view finder, hidden from all of the cheering extremely proud parents. Oh I forgot to mention that it was a mass start. Simply wonderful.

The second day I was on my own and I have been so very lonely since. I will just say that I have had a lot of time to argue with my enterprising assignments. I do believe that at this point, we have a stable relationship, ( but I still don't trust her so I got a prenup.)

So far, it has been a great experience, I have had the opportunity to shoot a range of things, especially enterprising. I believe that I have had 13 pictures published, a bit of a confidence booster.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Beginning

As part of my course I am commencing a 1 month internship in approximately 39 hours. Nervous, is the word that immediately jumps into my head. A number of questions meander their way through my head, slamming into each other becoming larger, more stressful questions.

The newspaper that has been so kind to take a chance with me is a daily paper called Red Deer Advocate.

I thought that it would be cool to begin a blog to document this adventure and what ensues.

This will be the account of my journey, my thoughts and hopefully some photos.
Or perhaps I will actually get eaten by wolves, never to be heard from again.